Begin here for
A. Why Confirmation?
B. Overview of Program
C. How We Cover Our Costs
D. Registration and necessary paperwork
Why Be Confirmed?
Confirmation, like all the Sacraments of the Church are particular and personal encounters with Jesus Christ, truly God and truly human. Each sacrament molds and shapes our humanity more and more into His image and likeness.
Whereas we strive to develop our natural human gifts, through the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit lifts these gifts into the realm of the supernatural.
For example:
1. Our natural knowledge is joined to the All-Knowing God
2. Our natural understanding becomes tied to the Mystery of God.
3. Our natural wisdom is lifted to appreciate the Infinite Wisdom of God.
4. Our natural judgment is helped by God’s sense of order and harmony in every relationship.
5. Our natural courage is aligned with the divine nature of Sacrificial Love.
6. Our natural appreciation for beauty is transformed to praise the work of our Creator.
7. Our natural longing for the divine is satisfied with an intimacy with the All-powerful God we dare call “Father”.
Sealed with the Sacrament of Confirmation and continually strengthened by the Glorified Body and Blood of Christ through the weekly Sunday Mass, a baptized Christian is able to use these supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit to continue the mission of Christ to help transform the world into a place where God will be at home.
Our two year program is for those 13 to 17 years old.
1. Are already Baptized.
2. Have formally received First Holy Communion.
3. Are known and recognized by the pastor to regularly attend Sunday Mass at St. Timothy’s (Saturday Evening at 5pm or Sunday Morning at 8:30 or 10:30am).
4. Attend Wednesday classes 6:30 - 7:45pm beginning September 11th, 2024.
5. Commit to a Monthly Service Project.
6. A Spiritual Retreat in preparation for the Sacrament.
How We Cover Our Costs?
We ask that each family contribute $135 for the year's program ($185 for two children and $235 for three or more children). No active parishioner of St. Timothy's will be turned away because of financial hardship.
How do I sign up for the Confirmation program?
Click below to get the ball rolling!