How do I have my child baptized?
Newborn babies and children have always been baptized in the Church when Catholic parents wish to share with them the Catholic faith and way of life.
Normally, your neighborhood parish will respond positively to your request to have your child Baptized.
To have your child Baptized at St. Timothy's:
1. You live locally within the parish district (South of Citracado Pkwy in one of the neighborhoods of Via Rancho, San Paschal and the Harmony Grove communities). OR you have registered here and have an up-to-date record of consistent worship here on Sundays, generally reflected in regular contributions of church support.
If you live outside of the parish district and you are not currently or consistently making St. Timothy's your Sunday place of worship but would like your child Baptized here, simply ask your neighborhood Catholic parish church (your "home" parish) to prepare you for the Sacrament and then send us notification that you have your Pastor’s permission. We’ll be happy to then schedule the Baptism here.
2. Parents bringing their children to be baptized will be asked to promise that they will bring their child up in the practice of the faith. Parents teach the Catholic and Christian faith by example. Parents who are not married through the Church will be invited to seriously discern why they are reluctant or unable to make the sacramental commitment of Holy Matrimony. Know that the pastor will gently guide you towards this goal.
3. Single parents who likewise live their Catholic faith can do much to inspire their children.
A word about Godparents
The Ideal Godparents
The Christian community places very high expectations on their shoulders. The ideal is to have two Godparents - a Godfather and a Godmother. However, sometimes, there will only be one Godparent. (Please note that a Godparent might not be not always be available to attend a baptism. A proxy or sponsor can jump in, even at the last moment!)
As role models to inspire the young in the ideals of Catholic and Christian life, Godparents are naturally expected to be baptized, have received the sacrament of Confirmation and are part of a Catholic church community on Sundays. If partnered, godparents should also enjoy the blessings of the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Matrimony,
What if I want someone who doesn’t fit the ideal?
In short, simply because someone is a family member or a close friend, regretfully they may not always be qualified or ready to become Godparents. Instead, they might be invited to stand alongside a Godparent as a “Christian Witness” and then later be acknowledged by the Church as Godparent when they have fulfilled the basic qualifications outlined above.
Expectations of Godparents
Sometimes you may be asked to be a Godparent to a child about to be Baptized and a church asks you to provide a letter from your parish to vouch you are in good standing. For a Catholic to be qualified as a Godparent, they must be Baptized and Confirmed, attending weekly Sunday Mass, and if they are living with a partner, they are in a recognized Catholic marriage.
During a Baptism, you will be asked to make a public promise and a commitment to your Catholic Faith before witnesses. You should therefore be able to make a public promise and a commitment to your Catholic Faith before your local or home parish.
If you have a Godparent in mind who might qualify for this great responsibility and meet all the qualifications except the Sacrament of Confirmation, they should personally contact their own local church and inquire about how to complete their own Sacraments of Initiation.
Godparent & Baptism Classes
A parish church may ask you to attend a Godparent and/or Baptism class. If you are a parishioner or live inside our parish district, please approach the pastor after Mass
When are Baptisms for children scheduled?
Baptisms for the children of local parishioners and families who worship with us on Sundays will normally be scheduled on a Sunday morning each month determined by the first parent to schedule.
Families from outside the area who attend other parish churches and wish to have their child Baptized here are asked to first secure a letter of permission from their own pastor. They will then be welcome to join in our parish celebration of baptism.